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How to steam clean tiles

How to steam clean tiles

Wondering how to steam clean tiles? First things first – yes, it is possible! Whilst you’re doing a deep clean of your bathroom or kitchen, you may want to clean the floor tiles, too. We’ll explain how you can achieve the best cleaning results with little effort on your part.

Using a steam cleaner on tile floors

Whether cooking Sunday dinner got a bit out of hand, whether the kids have run amuck through the house with dirty shoes, or the dog has knocked over an open detergent box in the bathroom – a steam cleaner can help get rid of stubborn dirt. The advantages of a steam cleaning tiles this way are many, and because tiles are hard wearing, they take to steam cleaners well – more sensitive materials like carpets need different methods for cleaning. Especially after a major mishap or simply for regular basic cleaning, a steam cleaner is the right device. We’ll explain how your tiles will soon double up as mirrors – that’s how clean they’ll be after steam cleaning them.

The right steam cleaner for tiles

The three most common steam cleaners are all suitable for tiles. While a steam mop mainly serves as a replacement for ordinary mops, floor steam cleaners and steam vacuums are the better choice if you want to clean large surfaces. However, all three devices work on the same principle and achieve comparable results. So if you already have a steam cleaner, you’ll be pleased to hear that you don't need to buy another one for steam cleaning tiles.

Here’s how to clean tiles with a steamer

Step 1: Hoover

Before you steam clean your tiles, remove dust and debris using a hoover. Otherwise the dust in combination with the steam will cause streaks and any debris can scratch the tiles – not what you’re after. Giving the floors a bit of a pre-clean before using steam and a mop is always a good idea. In case you notice that your vacuum cleaner smells, we have an article for that!

Step 2: Steam clean tile grout

First of all, take care of the grouting. This is where a lot of dirt collects, and these areas are more sensitive than the tiles. Because steam cleaners do not require any cleaning agents, they are safe to use on most grouting materials. If you encounter stubborn dirt, simply scrub the grout carefully with a round brush attachment on your steamer.

Step 3: Clean the tiles

Now the tiles themselves get put in the hot seat (…the steamy seat?). For this, you can use the full power of your device and in doing so also "steam away" stubborn, dried dirt. Try to wipe as evenly as possible over the entire surface so that you don’t get any puddles anywhere.

Step 4: Wipe down

When you're done cleaning, wipe again with a dry cloth. This will prevent streaks and make your tiles shine again.

Cleaning wall tiles

A steam cleaner can also be used to clean tiles on your kitchen or bathroom walls without causing any problems. In this case, it is best to work from top to bottom of the walls in question - but otherwise proceed in the same way as for the floor.

The advantages of using a steam cleaner for tiles

  • Easy to use
  • Better for the environment – no chemicals or paper towels needed
  • Recommended for allergy sufferers
  • The heat kills bacteria
  • Effective even for stubborn stains

We hope you’ve found these tips helpful. For more cleaning advice, check out the cleaning section on our website.

One of the best pipe cleaning tips is to listen to the drain. This is because a clogged pipe usually lets its presence be known by reducing the speed that the water flows down. If this is the case, you still have some time until the drain is completely blocked and the water no longer drains away. If this blockage is further down, you can clean it with a plunger or a pipe-cleaning spiral. If you don't have any special tools in your house, cable ties can be used if necessary.

If you feel like it, you can also clean the siphon. However, be sure to place a bucket under the pipe to collect all the water and debris. It is best to clean the pipe with a wire brush afterwards.