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EarPods cleaning: How to get started

EarPods cleaning: How to get started

Small, white, and stylish: EarPods are Apple’s innovative earphones that are the basic must-have for almost every iPhone owner. Unfortunately, frequent use can leave EarPods looking dirty. So how do you clean really dirty EarPods? Here are our tips for EarPods cleaning.

Cleaning your EarPods – here’s what you need

To clean your EarPods and EarPods case properly, you will need a soft, lint-free cloth, such as a microfibre cloth, as well as cotton swabs and a brush with soft bristles. Because Apple earphones are not waterproof, use water sparingly, if at all. Remove stubborn stains with high-percentage alcohol –this pure alcohol will get the EarPods sparkly clean again. Keep rough cloths, abrasive cleaners, and sharp objects away from your EarPods, as they can scratch them.

Cleaning your EarPods - the housing and the earpieces

You can wipe the housing regularly with a soft cloth – either dry or slightly damp. It’s important that moisture doesn't get into the cracks or inside, and that the EarPods are completely dry before you use them again. You will often encounter earwax when cleaning your EarPods since they spend so much time in your ear. To get rid of this earwax, you can use isopropyl alcohol, which is pure alcohol from a chemist. Again, only apply a few drops to the cloth when cleaning the EarPods.

The optional earbuds can easily be removed and rinsed under clean water. Do not use soap or other cleaning agents to clean these small parts. After rinsing, it is also important that the earbuds have thoroughly dried before you attach them back onto the EarPods. 

Cleaning your EarPods – the mesh

The mesh covering the speakers is particularly susceptible to dirt. To clean the EarPods mesh, first use a soft brush. You can use it to gently brush away loose dirt and earwax. Avoid using too much pressure, or you will push the dirt through the mesh and right into the earphone. The second step is to use cotton swabs moistened with a little alcohol. Gently sweep them over the mesh to remove any dirt that’s got stuck. Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, there is no need to wipe with a cloth.

Cleaning your EarPods – the case

You can also clean your EarPods case with a soft cloth and a bit of alcohol. Ensure that you wipe the case gently with the cloth. The lightning connector can be cleaned separately with a brush to avoid damaging the metal contacts.

What you need to know when cleaning your EarPods

In addition to earwax, there are so many other substances that can damage the surface of your Apple earphones. Therefore, try to avoid contact with these substances as best you can. If that’s not possible, clean the EarPods thoroughly and regularly. Here are some substances that can stain or damage your EarPods:

  • Soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes
  • Lotions, creams, and perfumes
  • Solvents and cleaning agents
  • Insect repellent and sunscreen products
  • Oils, acids, and acidic foods

If you wear your EarPods while exercising, sweat can also collect on the surface and in the cracks. The moisture can be problematic as well as the salt that can be found in sweat. So always wipe your EarPods thoroughly after exercising and let them dry before using them again.