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The must-pack items for your first aid kit


first aid kit

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Whether at home or on holiday – a first aid kit is a must-have item that shouldn’t be missing from any household or suitcase. It’s often overlooked when packing for travel or stocking the bathroom cupboard. But what do you do when you cut yourself or eat something that turns your stomach? We’ve got you covered. Here are the top 10 items that should go into every emergency first aid kit.

Top 10 items to include in a home first aid kit

When preparing a medical kit for your home, it’s good to be covered for different types of emergencies from cuts to headaches. The top 10 items that shouldn’t be missing from any home first aid kit are:

  1. Band aids: These little adhesive bandages are great when you accidentally cut yourself when chopping food! For example, you have to be careful when learning how to clean the gutters or carrying out DIY chores like unblocking a sink. You can get waterproof or standard band aids.
  2. Bandages: Bandages are essential first aid kit items. It’s best to get a variety of different types including triangular and crepe rolled bandages. Triangular bandages can be used to secure dressings while rolled bandages are draped across a wound.
  3. Adhesive tape: Tape is vital to secure bandages in place.
  4. Scissors: These shouldn’t be missing from any first aid kit to help cut the bandages and tape. 
  5. Tweezers: A good kit includes tweezers. You never know when you may need to remove a splinter or a nasty tick. 
  6. Gloves: You should include a few sets of disposable, packaged gloves. Larger wounds shouldn’t be touched with your bare fingers to avoid getting germs into the wounds and to protect yourself. 
  7. Antiseptic spray: Effective wound cleaning is often the first step when treating smaller cuts and burns. Choose a good antiseptic spray to prevent infection. It’s also important to know how to wash hands properly before cleaning wounds.
  8. Thermometer: It’s best to choose a digital thermometer for your first aid case. You can select from thermometers that measure the temperature in the ears, mouth, or rectum. 
  9. Painkillers: Stock up your first aid kit with paracetamol and ibuprofen. It’s good to have both on hand, because they’re not the same. Ibuprofen is also an anti-inflammatory so is a better option when you’re treating pain that’s due to an underlying inflammation. 
  10. Cough medicine: Flus and colds are incredibly common during the autumn and winter season so it’s advisable to have some cough medication on hand. Your whole family will sleep much easier.

Top 10 items to include in a holiday first aid kit

All packed and ready to go on that well-deserved holiday? Wait, you’ve forgotten the most important thing: the holiday first aid kit. It can be easy to forget to pack for things that haven’t even happened yet. Here’s what you should bring:

  1. Band aids: Cuts can happen wherever you are in the world so bring some band aids.
  2. Painkillers: A good holiday first aid kit definitely includes ibuprofen or paracetamol. You’ll never know when that headache strikes. 
  3. Stomach medication: Pack some antacids and diarrhoea pills. You want to be covered when the local cuisine doesn’t agree with your stomach.
  4. Antibacterial gel: It depends on where you’re off to, but if you’re traveling to exotic and less frequented places, it’s a good idea to carry some antibacterial gel or spray.
  5. Electrolyte pills: If you suffer from diarrhoea on your trip, these will be vital to replace lost fluids.
  6. Antiseptic spray: This shouldn’t be missing from your travel kit. Sometimes band aids aren’t enough.
  7. Water tablets: In some locations, the drinking water will require some extra cleaning.
  8. Cold/flu medication: This may not be necessary but if you’re off on a ski trip consider taking cold medicines.
  9. Decongestants: These are great if you have to fly with a runny nose.
  10. Malaria medication: Only pack malaria medication if you’re visiting locations where malaria might be a concern.
